Monday, March 30, 2009

the beauty about purity

the importance of it.....not just physical but emotional as well. I believe this is one of the reasons why there are so many scarred young people these days. Even if they don't give everything away-they are allowing their hearts to be held and loved, and then only to know that they will be crushed and discarded later on. This was never God's intention or plan when HE created us. HE created marriage for one man and one woman. He never intended for young people to go in and out of relationships to only be torn up and ripped apart. That is the counterfeit to the beauty that God designed us for! This is why I have chosen not to date. I want to be able to give my future husband my entire heart and every part of me. Not just bits and pieces. I have chosen to save my very first kiss of all time for my wedding day at the alter. Not before.

this is an article that Jesus had me write several days ago about the value and the importance of one's purity and honoring their heart and that of their future spouse's heart:
Enjoy :)!

Honoring and Loving your Future Spouse before you even MEET THEM

Your future spouse is so very precious. One of the ways that we can choose to honor them and love them before even we meet is by how we treat the opposite gender. When you are spending time with your brothers or sisters in Christ, you need to ask yourself would my future spouse be or feel honored and cherished by the way I am treating this person, or would they sad and hurt if they would be listening to, seeing, and and observing in on the way how you treat your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?
Something else to ponder and to take into consideration is in the matters of your you give your heart away to every person whom you think is sweet or are you waiting to be able to present your heart to the very ONE that Jesus has chosen just for you? If you have already given your heart away, and it wasn't the right time...and you want to have your heart be re-shaped and renewed or if you are continually surrendering and giving Jesus your heart and want HIS very best for your life pray this prayer with me right now: Jesus, I know that in the past I have given my heart away to someone who I thought was really special, but wasn't the ONE for me and now I am left feeling like my heart is bleeding and broken and beyond repair. I thank you right now for the healing and the re-construction and the repair that you are doing in and on my heart right now. That before there were only mere fragments and pieces of my heart, THANK YOU so much that now my heart is whole and has been put together again by the Master Surgeon. That you have taken my broken heart and have replaced with one that is trusting YOU knowing that you will bring the right ONE into my life at your perfect timing. ABBA FATHER, I thank you for who you are creating my future spouse to be. That they are a person who HONORS YOU and LOVES YOU above ALL ELSE! That they are willing to cast aside the things of this world, for the things of YOUR GLORY-for the THINGS of your heart! That they are on they knees DAILY seeking YOUR FACE! Thanking YOU for the things that you are doing in their heart! And that you will use them to change the WORLD with YOUR LIGHT, YOUR GLORY, and YOUR LOVE! That they will live a life that is totally and completely surrendered to YOUR WILL and YOUR PLAN that have for their lives. That each and every DAY that they will thank you for the BEAUTY in their lives. That with all that they are and with all that they have they will praise YOU! That they will place YOU FIRST in their lives. Not in second, third, fourth, or in fifth place, but that YOU will always be FIRST in every AREA their everything. In the way they look at things, the way they look at life, the way they treat others, the way they view your creation. Jesus, and that the right ONE will treat my heart with honor and respect, and that because YOU have loved them first, that the right ONE will love me with the same kind of LOVE that YOU LOVED YOUR BRIDE! YOU were WILLING and you CHOSE to GIVE up your life for HER. Because of your GREAT LOVE for HER! I THANK YOU THAT MY FUTURE SPOUSE WILL LOVE ME THE SAME WAY! THAT DAILY MY FUTURE SPOUSE WILL BE ON THEIR FACE PRAISING YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE, AND FOR THE BLESSING AND THE RIGHT 'ONE' THAT YOU HAVE BROUGHT IN AND PLACED IN THEIR LIVES! YOU are a GOOD and a FOREVER FAITHFUL GOD, and I thank you right now for the miracles and the transformations and the BREAKTHROUGHS that will not only take place in our lives. But also in the lives that are around us, that are affected and influenced and touched because of the LOVE that you FATHER GOD FIRST placed in our OWN LIVES! THANK YOU! FATHER GOD THANK YOU FOR THE LEGACY that will take place and will be born and be brought about because of US OBEYING and HONORING YOU IN EVERYTHING that WE DO! That this LASTING LEGACY will be passed to our FUTURE CHILDREN, and by and through the GENERATIONS AND THE GENERATIONS That are to come because of WHO YOU ARE, and because of What you can and will do through a LIFE and LIVES That are Completely and UTTERLY Devoted and Committed and Surrendered to YOUR VERY PERFECT WILL AND BEST IN AND FOR OUR LIVES! Thank YOU FATHER!
-Your Child.

Inspirational Promises by Jessica M. Farnam
© 2009. All rights reserved.

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