Friday, February 6, 2009

Entering into Throne Room of God's Everlasting Love,Grace,and Mercy

His Glory is here. You can feel it. He is drawing you unto Himself. HE is wrapping His everlasting loving arms around you. He will never let you go. He promised us in HIS Word that He will never leave us nor will HE ever forsake us. He is from everlasting to everlasting. He is the One Who was, Who Is, and Who Is To Come. His Words are Yes and Amen. He is the friend that sticketh closer than a brother. HE is the one who will never leave your side. He will never stab you in the back, but the exact opposite....HE is the friend to the discouraged, to the brokenhearted, to the down and out. Whatever circumstance you may be facing right now, remember...that Jesus has not forgotten you. He knows you by Name and you are HIS. Run to him in your time of need. He knows and truly does care when a sparrow falls to the ground. How much more so does HE care about you? About your fears, about your failures. What He is saying to your heart, soul, and and your very this...My child come home, I have not forgotten about you. Come unto Me all you who are weary and are heavy laydened, and I shall give you rest. He sees every tear that you have ever cried. HE wants to wipe them away from your eyes. He wants you to just sit on His lap and to know that everything will be alright. Give Him all of your worries, He wants to trade those cares in for peace. This peace that He wants to give you is a peace that surpasses all understanding. When you are in His Presence all fears, doubts, worries, and everything else in this life fades away. Remember, perfect LOVE Casteth out fear. Where love abounds there is only peace. Where fear abounds, there is only torment and agony. Please choose the first one. Life is so much better trusting in Him, than trying to fix all the concerns of this life by yourself! He is the friend that you have always longed for. Trade in the hopelessness in for hope, and for a joy that exceeds anything that you ever experienced in this life. Because when you are in HIS Presence, everything else simply fades away. Only HIS love and mercy, and everlasting peace remains. Let His love flow over you. Washing away all of the heaviness and bitterness, and the weight of this life.
He loves you so much. So much that HE gave HIS life for you! To HIM, you were worth going to the cross, enduring the pain and the shame...because of HIS love for you. He didn't want to spend eternity without you! He created heaven just for YOU in MIND! HE LOVES YOU! HE ALWAYS HAS AND HE ALWAYS WILL! Are you ready to come home and to be a part of HIS Family? Then pray this prayer with me:" Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. Please come into my heart and save me. I am so sorry for all that I have done. Wash me and cleanse me with YOUR precious blood. I surrender my whole life to you. I am done with living my life for myself. I now, choose to live my life for you. I will be a witness to everyone around me. I will live my life in such a way...that others will know that there is something very different about me. Let me be a light to my generation. I love YOU JESUS! Thank you so much for saving me, thank you so much for dying for me...thank you for writing my name in the LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE. I am a Christian. From this day forward, I will ask this something Jesus would be doing? If it is not glorifying and pleasing to Jesus, then I will no longer participate in these things. Now, my entire life belongs to Jesus. Thank you JESUS! In Jesus Name I pray, AMEN!

Inspirational Promises by Jessica M. Farnam
© 2009. All rights reserved.

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