Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The most beautiful love story EVER written!

I ran across this beautiful note when I was reading a blog that emphasized the reason why we are supposed to so HIDDEN in Jesus that our true value and worth comes directly from the Throne Room of Grace.

'There is a gallant Prince waiting for you right at this very moment. Yes, in fact, He has waited His whole entire life for you. You were designed perfectly just for Him. No other one will do! He is already so madly in love with you!
There is a Perfect Gentleman, Best Friend, and Love of your Life waiting for you to take Him by the hand and go with Him on the most wonderful and adventurous journey! Please hear what I am saying and believe it is true!! Yes, a beautiful romance with the Lover of your soul is indeed possible and it is no fairy tale. In fact, it is 100 times better and more romantic than any fairy tale in a book. The key lies within every young woman who is willing. She is ready to surrender every part of her life to Him because she knows He loves her!! She realizes that He wants the best for His daughter and has His very best in mind for her life. He knows her even better than she knows herself and wants to bless her in every way. That is why He asks that she give heart *wholly* and *purely* to Him.
This love story is no dream-in fact it is far closer to reality than you might guess. Don't write it off as unattainable. Your feminine heart may be much closer to finding *true* love than you think! You see, the tender Prince and Ultimate Warrior Poet who is longing for you today is Jesus Christ!!!
Many of us think we know Jesus. We go to Him in prayer occasionally, visit Him in church two days a week, read our Bibles , and even declare that He is #1 in our lives. But as Leslie Ludy says in her book Authentic Beauty,"Just as there is a marked distinction between the definition of a rose in Webster's dictionary and actually holding one in your hand, there is a huge difference between saying you know Jesus Christ, and truly experiencing Him as your true Prince, you Hero, and the One you give up everything just to be with."
Some of you girls may realize that you do not know Jesus at all. You have not accepted Him into your heart as Lord and Savior of your life. But He has been working on you for quite some time now, tugging on your heartstrings asking you to please let Him in. For those of you saying,"Yes! That is me," I want you to know that Jesus Christ is *head over heels* in love with you and wants you to serve Him starting today. He is waiting to call you His own daughter marked with His seal of Love and take you on the journey of a lifetime!!! Accept Him today, and you can experience the depths of His love and grace not only in this life, but in the life to come--eternal life with God in heaven!!!!!!!! Please stop reading this now and send me a message privately. I would LOVE to talk with you about what God is speaking to you about :). I know that for the most part, you girls who joined this group have already accepted Jesus into your heart and life. You Love the Lord with all your heart. He is the most important thing to you and you do your best to live a life that is pleasing to Him in every way. But you also feel Him calling you to the next level with Him. You hear Him whispering to your heart, you may have never thought of Christ in a romantic way but the true is, our Prince longs for unhindered intimacy with us.
Jesus' death on the cross was the ultimate romantic gesture of the most pure and perfect love imaginable. This is a call from Christ for us to be *Lilies* among Thorns. Of course, our purity means so much to Him but it is so much more than simply saving sex for marriage. True purity is complete set-apartness for our Heavenly Prince. True purity comes only when we fall in the loving arms of our Prince, surrender ourselves fully to Him, and allow Him to tenderly shape us into *His lily white likeness*.
"He is looking through the windows;
He is peering through the lattice.
My beloved responded and said to me,
'Arise, my darling, my beautiful one,
And come along.' " Song of Solomon 2:9-10
~You may be asking yourself the question, "Is this standard too high?"
But following Christ is radical. It is extreme. And it does make others uncomfortable. As long as you are trying to blend Christianity in with your own beliefs and mediocre existence, you will never experience a passionate romance with your true Prince.
"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of a cross." Philippians 2:5-8
"I have kicked myself off the throne of my life, so I no longer dictate how I live; but now Christ, living within me, has taken His position on my throne, and determines how I live. This life I live in this earthly body, I now live in total dependence and trust in Jesus Christ who loved me and sacrificed for me." Galatians 2:20
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2

Christ loves us with an extreme and sacrificial love!!! And as His followers, we are called by Him to love the very same way.

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