Monday, July 28, 2008

Experiencing God's presence and love

When you draw near to God, HE will draw near to you. He has loved us with an everlasting love. Right now, you can feel HIM wrapping HIS arms around you. HE is our everlasting FATHER. He Is the GREAT I AM! HE loved us so much that HE chose to give HIS ONE AND ONLY PRECIOUS SON to save us and die for US! When you ask Jesus to comfort your heart, not only will you feel a love that cannot be compared with anything else...but you will know THAT THIS LOVE...IS THE ULTIMATE LOVE :)! Jesus is my very best friend, HE is the ONE who has never left my side, HE has never let me go....even through the most trying times...HE has always been there. Wiping away my tears, even then...HE was crying with me. When we choose to surrender our very all to Jesus, He will take out any form of bitterness or hurt that might have been there, and HE will replace it with the most amazing love....that when you look at others, they will see Jesus in you. Even those who might have been cruel to you in the past, you will look at them with love and compassion..because now your heart and your emotions do not belong to you, they belong to Jesus...and now you will be looking at them through Jesus' eyes. When you ask Jesus to give you HIS heart, He will begin to show you things, and you will begin to feel what HE feels. So, when we go about our day, let others see Jesus in us. We are Jesus' hands and feet. To some people, we are the only Jesus that they will ever see. Let us live every moment of every day of our lives, as if it were our last. Let us show others God's love. That no matter what they may have done: great or small. There is forgiveness. If you are hurting right now, Jesus wants to pick you up, and hold you in HIS ARMS! In Revelation 21:3-4 it says that HE will wipe all tears from our eyes. He only has good planned for us. When we are walking in inward and outward rebellion, we will not be able to experience this ultimate love, because we have hardened our heart against the very one who chose to give HIS life for us. But when we choose to say, "Jesus, I am sorry . I am done doing my own thing. I surrender all that I am, all that I have. I am now yours. Use my life for your glory." We will begin to experience HIS GREAT LOVE. It is a love and a peace that surpasses all understanding.
If you wish to know and experience a love that will never die or fade pray this prayer with me right now, " Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. Please come into my heart and save me. I am sorry for all that I have done. Wash me and cleanse me with YOUR precious blood. I surrender my whole life to you. I done with living my life for my self. I now, choose to live my life for you. I will be a witness to everyone around me. I will live my life in such a way...that others will know that there is something very different about me. Let me be a light to my generation. I love YOU JESUS! Thank you so much for saving me, thanks you so much for dying for me...thank you for writing my name in the LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE. I am a Christian. From this day forward, I will ask this something Jesus would be doing? If it is not glorifying and pleasing to Jesus, then I will no longer participate in these things. Now, my entire life belongs to Jesus. Thank you JESUS! In Jesus Name I pray, AMEN!
Inspirational Promises by Jessica M. Farnam
© 2008. All rights reserved.

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