Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lifeway:True Love Waits-Drama Two Sides: Same Story

LIFEWAY Your Student Ministry Partner...
A Free Drama Script By Matt Tullos

This dramatic portrayal is a duet monologue. Both characters speak to the audience as if the other character wasn't there. It could be done as a reading which would allow the students to use the scripts inside black folders. Even if used as a reading, don't fail to spend an adequate amount of rehearsal time.

Guy: The relationship was going great, and we never planned to do the things we did. Neither one of us, but we thought we were in love

Girl: and love's a big word. We said it early

Guy: and often. I loved her. I really thought I did. Nothing

Girl: would ever come between us.

Guy: But it was as if the bridge between us came down

Both: And we lost everything.

Girl: It's crazy how the mind works when you think you've met the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. Of course, we didn't set any limit to our affection

Guy: and after about three months of the frustration of having a physical relationship without sex we finally gave in.

Girl: But I can tell you from experience

Guy: that it didn't draw us any closer. In fact, we were so ashamed of what we did

Girl: that we vowed to never do it again, but after the first time, we had already compromised ourselves and it made it that much easier

Guy: to do it again. After a while our relationship was totally ... well ...

Both: deflated.

Girl: We were just like strangers to each other.

Guy: It even destroyed our friendship.

Girl: I haven't heard anything from him since we broke up and my family moved here and I really regret it.

Guy: I missed ... well, I still do miss the friendship.

Girl: It was taken from me. It was like the sex destroyed

Guy: everything that we had, and believe me,

Girl: we had a whole lot going for us before then.

Guy: I know that Christ has forgiven me. But I'm having a hard time forgiving myself.

Girl: I wasted a precious part of myself on someone that I'll probably never see again in my life. And every time that I'm with a guy, I feel guilty--almost like I'm not clean.

Guy: It's like when I go to church Satan shoves the mistake right in front of my face.

Both: I wish I knew what I know now. I wish I would have waited.

Post-sketch reading

Reader #1: There is a love.

Reader #2: It is pure and holy.

Reader #3: It is true.

Reader #2: It is a bridge to joy and true happiness.

Reader #1: It is patient and it seeks to heal.

Reader #2: Lord, we commit ourselves to that love.

Reader #3: For those who celebrate the joy of purity in their lives

Reader #1: Help them to remain faithful to their covenant.

Reader #2: To those whose hearts seem tainted and unclean

Reader #3: may they find cleansing and reconciliation in the shelter of Your arms.

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