Sunday, February 1, 2009

A calling for: PURITY

The QUESTION needs to change from HOW FAR IS TOO FAR to:
How MUCH of your heart are you willing to give AWAY?

The more you keep giving bits and pieces of your body away-the more you will only seem like a game or a toy to them. When you choose to keep yourself pure and act like a lady-guys will treat you like the princess you truly are! You are worth so much more than what the world has to offer you; and so is your future husband!
You are heart is a very precious things. Don't give it away to every guy that passes by. Do you want to only have a few fragments to offer your future husband or do you want to be able to present him with your whole heart? Do not share everything in your heart with a guy if he is not the right one-because if you do, and he leaves you will only be left brokenhearted. Unless God has shown you that a certain guy is the right one for you-you are flirting with someone Else's future husband!
Let the right one win your heart-don't pursue him!

Philippians 4:8
Colossians 3:17

You need to treat girls with HONOR and RESPECT. They are not something that is meant to be used and then thrown away-only to be placed on your check off list and then use the next girl. They are not meant to be used for you to be able to tell your buddies stories in the locker room. Do you want guys to treat your sister like this-they are some guy's sister, and a DADDY'S daughter. Instead, they are like delicate and dainty flowers-treat ALL WOMEN with HONOR AND RESPECT. Unless God had shown you that a certain girl is the right one for you-you are flirting with someone Else's future wife!
Don't talk to girls about a future together, what colors she would like in your home-because unless you are really planning on marrying her---she will ALREADY be PLANNING the WEDDING IN HER MIND!
You are meant to win, pursue, and rescue your future wife's heart!
Inspirational Promises by Jessica M. Farnam
© 2009. All rights reserved.

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