Tuesday, May 5, 2009

All to Jesus I surrender Lyrics & MESSAGE

All to Jesus I surrender,
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

I surrender all,
I surrender all.
All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
Take me, Jesus, take me now.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel Thy Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power,
Let Thy blessing fall on me.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Now I feel the sacred flame.
Oh, the joy of full salvation!
Glory, glory to His name!

Can't you just feel HIS heart! Can't you just feel HIS heart calling and leading and guiding you to come surrender your all. Your very all.. all that you have and all that you are. Laying it all down at the foot of the cross. Laying down your pride, laying down your desires, laying down the things that you think you want. And instead, choosing to submitting and are willing to lay down everything to HIS leadership. To all that He has and all that HE is. HE needs to be the one that you surrender your all to. Not what your friends think, not what your friends want you to do, but ONLY what Jesus is telling you to do. Willing to lay down and forsake all except the thing that HE has called you to do. This is what HE desires for you to do. For you to surrender your all to HIM. Your very breath, and with all that you are. YOU are so very4 precious to HIM! He loves you and HE truly does care about you. Far more than you can or will ever know. This great LOVE that HE has for you. IT IS ETERNAL. IT IS EVERLASTING. It has no end. There is absolutely no end to HIS love for you. No matter what you may or you may have not done wrong in the past. HE LONGS and DESIRES for you to come to HIM as you....in doing so, HE wants to change you, HE truly wants to change you from the inside out. Every single part of you. With all that you all and with all that you have. HE truly wants you to lay it all down. To swallow your pride, and allow HIM to change you, to truly change you so that you are looking and are acting and are thinking more so like HIM. So now, your thoughts are no longer your own; but they are now dictated or controlled and directed by what HE thinks. By what HIS thoughts are of towards you. He only has GOOD planned for your life and not evil. Trust HIM with your whole life. To word surrender, to some sounds very difficult because they are more focused on the things that they want rather than the things that HE wants. And they are not willing to let go, and HIM having HIS way in their life. This is why surrender is so hard for so many. Because they want to have their own way, instead of HIM having HIS way and HIS perfect PLAN for their lives. This is WHAT true surrender is all about. It is ALL about LEARNING TO let GO, and LET GOD have HIS PERFECT WILL AND WAY IN THEIR LIVES, even though their flesh may not be agree with it at the moment, they SPIRIT knows that it is so much better. And that the better and the best way is by SURRENDER. By GIVING GOD YOUR ALL NO MATTER WHAT. NO MATTER WHAT THE COST. NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS MAY THINK OF YOU AS. NO MATTER WHAT PEOPLE MAY OR MIGHT NOT SAY ABOUT YOU. WHAT MATTERS MORE TO YOU, WHAT JESUS THINKS ABOUT YOU AND OF YOU OR WHAT THE WORLD THINKS ABOUT YOU. IT IS YOUR CHOICE PURELY AND SIMPLE. WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE COME FIRST AND HAVE RULE AND LORDSHIP OR YOUR LIFE: SURRENDER TO JESUS OR TO YOUR PRIDE. GRATIFYING AND CARING MORE ABOUT THE THINGS OF THE FLESH, OR ARE YOU WILLING AND CARING MORE ABOUT THE THINGS OF GOD THE SPIRIT OF GOD, AND WHAT HE IS DESPERATELY SAYING TO YOU? THINK ABOUT IT. ASK GOD TO REVEAL IT TO YOUR HEART. FOR HE LOVES YOU SO VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH AND WANTS HIS VERY BEST FOR YOUR LIFE :)!

Inspirational Promises by Jessica M. Farnam
© 2009. All rights reserved.

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