Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Intercession for the Lost

When God places the Spirit of Intercession on your heart for the lost, you will begin to know and feel the things that breaks HIS heart. He will begin to show you names, faces, places, and certain circumstances and situations that HE wants you to be praying about. This could range from anywhere from the middle of the night to sometimes in the day. When HE begins to place a certain person on your heart to pray-for you need to be ready to pray. IN these last days HE is raising an army up who is willing to stand up and fight and intercede for the lost. They absolutely refuse to allow the devil to have any more access and ammunition to the lost. To be able to break and to penetrate and to crush the very spirit of some! NOW is the TIME for our battle cry in which we are to raise our SWORDS HIGH and to let the devil KNOW that he is no longer going to touch those who God sees as precious and as valuable. We will be the ONES who will stand up for the lost. We will be standing in our ranks waiting and ready for the next order from our CAPTAIN JESUS, and when HE gives us an order! To pray and to go into battle fully prepared to wage war against the enemy interceeding and breaking down walls and barriers that have been built up for a long time. We will NOT shrink back in fear, but we will MARCH FORWARD into Battle knowing that the Lord and KING of all Heaven is on our side. FOR we know that the battle is the LORD'S! Know that HE-Jesus is preparing your heart for the battle. HIS is equipping you with POWER from on HIGH. HE believes in you, and HE knows that the time we are living in is one where we ABSOLUTELY MUST stand up and intercede for the lost!
"My Dear Ones,
thank you for answering to the call. The calling that I have placed on your life is huge; but I know you can do it. I have been training you for some time. Know that the battle has already been WON! I am training you right now to be able to speak to those who have no voice, to those who do not know me. I am training and equipping you to tell them about my heart. In this time of intercession for the lost, I will begin to show you the very things that break my heart. I will place: names, people, different situations and different areas on your heart. Thank you for listening to the call. You are now enlisted in MY ARMY! The SWORD that I have given to you is the WORD OF GOD! This will be used as one of your weapons against the adversary. Know that the time the devil tried to tempt ME, I wounded him every time with the WORD! Know that the WORDS that I have spoken and those that are written in the Bible, are some of the very things he hates the most. Also know that I have given you all power, and all authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. I am holding your life in the Palm of my hand. I am training you for battle. I will be with you every single step of the way. Do not fear. Do not allow fear or doubt or worry to be able to enter into your heart and to tell you that you cannot win this battle. The enemy will try to do all he can to get you to be steered off of the very course and plan that I have for you. he does not want you to intercede for souls. he does not want to see the lost saved. that is one of his main ways to try to get back at me. This fight that you are in may seem at times hard or difficult, but please know that this battle and fight is for the very souls of men. The battle is not for your discomfort or your unenjoyment. Please know that this battle, what you are facing is not all about you. What you are feeling is the deep need and urge to intercede for the lost. They may not realize it, but they are desperately crying out to be saved and to be set free from the chains that they are bound in. I have chosen you and I have sent you to tell them about my great love for them. Another reason for intercession is to train you in the quiet and in the stillness of the secret place. The Secret Place that I have been training you in, to be launched out and to touch and to reach the world with my love. Every time you are on your knees I am showing you new things by MY SPIRIT. Please don't missgive my leadings for something else. Always be alert, and ready to act when I tell you something. The training period that you are in is preparation for the battle that is at hand. One of the biggest ways to be off of your game, and to not be ready is by becoming lazy and slacking off from reading MY WORD and drawing close to ME. Because when this takes place, you allow a foothold to take loose. Please stay alert. Please always be in prayer in and out of season-so that you are ready to give an answer to anyone who asks. This is why I have been training you MY CHILD, I want you to be ready for all that I have for you! I want you to be ready for the very plans and preparations that I have been designing and creating for you long since before the dawn of creation even begin. Please know, that for everything there is a season. That during this time, I AM training you for something great! I am preparing your heart to reach the WORLD with MY LOVE for all mankind. I AM giving you my heart, and I am showing you some of the very things that cause my heart to be broken. Please, never stop listening to MY STILL SMALL VOICE! I have so much to tell you! I have SO much to SHOW you! Never allow the enemy to tell you or to convince you that you are less then you are! I do not want to see my Precious Creation broken and crushed by the ravages and the bruises of this life. Always stay alert. For the devil, your adversary. roams around like a lion. seeking whom he may devour. Always keep your heart and your SPIRIT in check. Listen to my voice. For remember, MY sheep know MY VOICE. For they do NOT listen to the voice of a stranger. If anyone tells you something that is contrary to MY SPIRIT. Do not listen to him, because that is the voice of the antichrist. Little Ones, I have told you all these things so that you may perceive and know and recognize MY voice and when I SPEAK. My Beloved Bride, I love you! I always have and I always will. Thank you so much for drawing so close to MY SPIRIT. To MY Throneroom! I have so much to tell you! Always be alert. Always be listening to MY SPIRIT. NEVER listen to the voice of a stranger. Test the spirits. Whether to see if they are from God or if they are from the world. Know this: that MY VOICE reassures you, calms you, soothes you. The voice of the enemy rushes you, condemns you, counterattacks you. You will know and recognize the difference because MY SPIRIT is in you-always cheering you on. Letting you know, daily...step by step....that I will never let you GO. I will never leave you nor will I ever forsake you. Remember this, that I AM a FRIEND that STICKETH CLOSER THAN A BROTHER! MY WORDS ARE FAITHFUL AND TRUE. THEY ARE YES AND AMEN. KNOW THAT I AM COMING SOON. LO I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS. EVEN UNTIL THE END OF THE AGE!

Inspirational Promises by Jessica M. Farnam
© 2009. All rights reserved.

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